The DLG-Feldtage 2024 offer the public a uniquely high density of information. We appreciate the opportunity to engage in dialogue with visitors directly on the field. RAGT Saaten offers breeding solutions for the current and future challenges of agriculture in almost all crops.
For us, crop production "out of the box" means thinking beyond genetics. Innovative approaches such as DUO maize, also in a mixture with runner beans, or emergence insurance for oilseed rape with our "Gold varieties" demonstrate this endeavour.
The new ‘FarmRobotix’ platform enables us to demonstrate the technical dimension of ‘crop production out of the box’ and present our product to the specialist public in a targeted manner. We have been developing our robot with Pfeifer & Langen since 2021 so that the machine can do agricultural practice. Only an experienced beet grower knows what is important and can tell us engineers what the robot needs to be able to do. This is how we achieve acceptance of the new technology with sugar beet growers.
The Farming GT model 2024 from Farming Revolution combines mechanical weeding with spot spraying technology, improved access to its hoeing units and thus simplified maintenance. The precise depth control with maximum coulter pressure also requires no jockey wheel. The ability to cultivate beet rows on both sides increases the precision of soil cultivation and crop care.
These innovations also lead to lower maintenance costs and downtime. The Farming GT model 2024 - now with six rows - is versatile and highly precise in its function.
For us as an innovative company in the field of agricultural technology, this year's theme "Crop production out of the box" fits perfectly! We are convinced that we need to break new ground in agriculture and that modern technology can play a part in ensuring that agriculture in Germany remains efficient in the future.
Malte Höner, Head of Sales NL/DACH/CEE AgXeed B. V.
As the AgXeed team, we are delighted to be taking part in the DLG Field Days for the second time! For us as an innovative company in the field of agricultural technology, this year's theme "Crop production out of the box" fits perfectly!
We are convinced that we need to break new ground in agriculture and that modern technology can play a part in ensuring that agriculture in Germany remains efficient in the future and can produce high-quality food sustainably.
Autonomy in agriculture is already common practice and will be increasingly integrated into farm structures in the future due to increased flexibility, improved operational and cultivation planning, soil conservation and improved labour quality with lower production costs.
With our AgBots in a power range from 75 to 156 hp and the associated planning portal, we are part of this development and are delighted to be able to show three different applications with an AgBot at the DLG-Feldtage. The main focus will be on monitoring the working quality of the implement. Because that's what counts in the end.
We are very much looking forward to exchanging ideas with interested farmers and other visitors to the DLG-Feldtage. We can only develop and offer solutions tailored to the needs of farmers if we understand what motivates them and what challenges they face in crop production.
At OmniCult, we enthusiastically support the main theme of the DLG-Feldtage: "Crop production out of the box". For us, innovations in the agricultural sector are the key to mastering the challenges of a changing world. That's why we decided more than ten years ago to develop fertiliser and crop protection concepts for future-proof agriculture. With our HardRock product, we offer a pioneering alternative to chemical growth regulators. This approach enables farmers to promote more resilient plant populations with optimised stability, resulting in reduced dependence on conventional growth regulators.
The trade fair is the ideal place for us to expand our network, build new partnerships and communicate the benefits of our products, especially HardRock. The DLG-Feldtage is the perfect platform for farmers and trade visitors to discover the latest innovations in crop production and to benefit from a comprehensive exchange of experiences. They provide an excellent opportunity to see HardRock in action and understand how we are contributing to the evolution of integrated farming.
The current challenges for crop production and crop protection clearly show how important the key topic of "crop production out of the box" is. Much of what has worked in the past is reaching its limits and needs to be put to the test. Innovations are the key to success here and are probably more important than ever for agriculture.
Dr Norbert Schlang, Marketing Manager ADAMA Germany
The current challenges for crop production and crop protection make it clear how important the key topic of "crop production out of the box" is. Whether it is climate change, which is particularly noticeable in agriculture, the advancement of resistance to active ingredients, the emergence of new pests or changes to the framework conditions, such as the Green Deal and the regulatory abolition of important components in crop protection - many things that have worked in the past are reaching their limits and need to be put to the test.
Innovations are the key to success here and are probably more important than ever for agriculture. However, there will not be one big idea that solves all problems. It is more comparable to making adjustments to many set screws in order to make plant cultivation in Europe efficient, environmentally friendly and sustainable
As a manufacturer of crop protection products, we focus on innovations in the field of formulation technology. Through innovative formulations, we ensure that active ingredients are better absorbed by the plant and work more effectively. This allows the active ingredients to realise their full potential and ultimately makes them more sustainable. One example is the patented ASORBITAL formulation technology for our new cereal fungicides, which we will be presenting at the DLG Feldtage.
For us at ADAMA, the DLG-Feldtage are a very important meeting place for the industry and are all about dialogue and communication. For us, it's not about a glossy appearance, but about being approachable and engaging in dialogue - with farmers, but of course also with our partners from the retail and advisory sectors.
We look forward to an open, inspiring and interesting dialogue!
The main theme of the DLG Feldtage 2024, "Crop production out of the box", is an excellent choice. It addresses the challenges facing farmers, which could hardly be greater or more diverse: achieving profitable yields, volatile weather conditions in the face of climate change, access to innovations and the fulfilment of the associated regulatory requirements and, last but not least, socio-political expectations. As Bayer, we are called upon to support farmers and develop innovative tools and strategies in close collaboration with practitioners. We do this with the highest research and development budget in the industry. "Plant cultivation out of the box" therefore suits us very well, because we are increasingly working together with farmers on integrated solutions comprising seed, crop protection and digitalisation that ensure sustainable value creation in the field. Artificial intelligence (AI) methods are becoming increasingly important in all portfolio areas in order to achieve targeted results more quickly.
The DLG Feldtage are an excellent platform for presenting our innovations. In Erwitte, we will be focussing on the area of Digital Farming Solutions - always closely linked to the seed and crop protection portfolio.
FieldView provides farms with a platform to seamlessly capture, visualise and analyse field data and maximise farm productivity. We are certain that our digital offerings from the Magic family will also meet with great interest. The MagicTrap digital yellow tray, for example, has already been successfully introduced in the field and boasts a number of new features. With MagicScout Air, we are also planning to automate traditional field labelling in the next step. With MagicSprayer, we are presenting a future product for entry into ultra-high-precision application technology. All these applications make the use of operating resources more economical and also more ecologically sustainable.
We will use the DLG Feldtage to engage in dialogue with practitioners. This feedback will help us all move forward. The Bayreuth team is already looking forward to seeing you again in Erwitte and visiting our stand GA123.
The DLG Feldtage will provide an important impetus for modern agriculture with the main theme "Crop production out of the box". In view of current environmental conditions, a rethink is necessary. New ideas, whether realistic or not, should serve as an impulse and be discussed. It is no longer a question of generalised arable or crop farming concepts, but of farm-specific solutions. Farmers' toolboxes must be filled with a variety of tools, be it seeds, technology or crop protection, which they can use in accordance with good professional practice. Overnight change is unrealistic; it requires a holistic approach.
Thinking about tomorrow today: The "FarmRobotix" platform marks a significant step towards the future of agriculture. A large number of manufacturers offer innovative solutions, from apps to complete automation. It is important to get farmers on board at an early stage and inform them about the opportunities and limitations so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past, for example with digitalisation. Robotics is a much-discussed topic and the possibilities must become tangible and usable for farmers.
LEMKEN presents solutions that focus on autonomy and process control. The process technology unit (VTE) with the Karat cultivator and iQblue tool monitoring can be seen in practical use. We do not focus on autonomous driving, but on controlling and optimising processes from the implement.
Our customers have clearly defined, customised arable farming strategies. At the field days, we want to encourage farmers to look ahead and provide them with answers to the technical possibilities for implementation. By exchanging ideas with practitioners, all participants gain new impetus and expand their network.
A visit to the DLG Feldtage is beneficial for everyone: in addition to the exchange of information and expertise, practical solutions are presented first-hand in field demonstrations. It is an opportunity to find out about the latest developments in arable farming and to make valuable contacts.
Farmers must assert themselves in international competition and carve out advantages for themselves. This requires new knowledge and profoundly discussed findings at a professional level. The DLG Feldtage is the ideal platform for this.
Christoph Kempkes, Chairman of the Board of Management of Raiffeisen Waren-Zentrale Rhein-Main AG
With reference to the main theme of the DLG Feldtage "Plant cultivation out of the box", RWZ AG has already established a number of activities that look beyond the edge of the field and rethink plant cultivation. We are already seeing that good results can be achieved here. This harbours future opportunities for agriculture that need to be exploited. We are therefore continuing to develop and offer practicable solutions.
New approaches are important as a supplement to established practices. This is the only way to achieve progress. And this is what we need to prepare agriculture for climate change, regulation, globalised flows of goods and increasing concentration in supply and sales markets. Our aim is to play a pioneering role here.
True to our motto "For a strong agriculture. Sustainable. Digital. Future-proof." we will be presenting numerous highlights at the DLG Feldtage 2024 as the main exhibitor RWZ and RW Kassel with our two partners Raiffeisen Vital and Hauptsaaten Seed and Service. As RWZ and Hauptsaaten, we will be showcasing new, innovative varieties and promising niche crops that can be grown profitably in combination with new inputs and digital application recommendations. The key success factor here is the interplay of several disciplines: crop cultivation, agricultural technology and digital expertise. We offer all of this from a single source. We have proven that this works in practice and can be implemented relatively easily as part of our joint project "ClimatePartner Agriculture" with BASF.
At the DLG Feldtage, we will use personal dialogue with customers to promote new approaches and concepts, encourage farmers to adopt them, dispel any reservations they may have and also highlight the holistic economic benefits. We present ourselves there as a provider who can play and orchestrate all the necessary instruments.
Farmers are also entrepreneurs. As such, they have to move with the times and respond to long-term trends such as regenerative agriculture. They have to assert themselves in international competition and - in order to survive - carve out advantages for themselves. This requires new knowledge and profoundly discussed insights at a professional level. The DLG Feldtage are the ideal platform for this. Without such first-class industry meetings, we won't get any further - but we have to.
The DLG Feldtage are an excellent opportunity to gain inspiration and experience the latest developments in the entire industry live. Visitors have the opportunity to take a look at the "tomorrow" of agriculture and to work together with us as exhibitors on a successful future direction.
Dr. Eike Hupe, Board of Directors Deutsche Saatveredelung AG
Plant breeding is daily "thinking out of the box" - so the guiding theme fits our work perfectly. A decisive factor in the success of DSV plant breeding is the dialogue between agricultural practice, our sales and product management and our breeders. Proximity to farmers is the basis for understanding the challenges facing the industry. In order to be able to offer the best, practice-relevant solutions, we rely on intensive interdisciplinary dialogue, including with our partners in science and research. We are delighted to be able to present the results of our "Thinking out of the Box" during the DLG Feldtage.
Plant breeding is an innovative problem solver that should enable farmers to successfully and sustainably farm under current challenges such as changing climatic conditions, the reduction of arable land and increasingly restrictive framework conditions regarding pesticides and fertiliser use. Breeding progress is no longer conceivable today without the targeted use of innovative research and development.
DSV utilises state-of-the-art facilities and innovative laboratory techniques to drive breeding work forward. Continuous further development, also within the framework of diverse research co-operations with science and research, is the key to our success. And this is how adapted and stable-yielding varieties are created. Our breeders are already working on the trait combinations that farmers will need in 2035. One focus of our work is also the development of new cultivation systems with a clear focus on soil fertility. After all, soil is THE most important resource for mankind to ensure sustainable food security.
What solutions do we offer as plant breeders? In a nutshell, it is increasing efficiency and securing yields for arable farming, e.g. through resistant grain varieties that make it possible to save on pesticides because they are healthy and convert nutrients into high yields and good quality. In fodder production, we mainly focus on grasses, clover and maize, which enable farmers to harvest as much healthy and highly digestible forage as possible with minimal use of pesticides. The principle of "thinking out of the box" has not only played a decisive role in the development of varieties, which enable better milk production through selection for digestibility. It has also led to intelligent combinations of species and varieties in our COUNTRY forage production programme, offering a solution for every location. The underlying theme, however, is healthy soil - sustainable, efficient production is only possible on healthy soil. The interactions between plants and their effects on soil biology, soil fertility and soil protection are complex. Researching these relationships and deriving recommendations for agriculture from them is time-consuming pioneering work. Our TerraLife® intercropping programme is the result.
We are delighted that, as a company based in Lippstadt, we can use the DLG Feldtage 2024 as a kind of home game. This makes this year's participation special for us. We will use the occasion to present our variety innovations and new cultivation concepts for sustainable and efficient plant cultivation in a modern and surprising way. We look forward to exchanging ideas in person with our customers and partners so that we can continue to develop the best solutions for the needs of agriculture.
The DLG Feldtage is a very good opportunity to gain inspiration and experience the latest developments in the entire industry live. The arable farming of the future offers great potential to meet the changing climatic and social requirements with the right solution. Visitors will have the opportunity to take a look at the "tomorrow" of agriculture and work together with us as exhibitors on a successful future direction.
The population expects farmers to play a pioneering role in the transformation of our society and economy. We must face up to this challenge together. We expect the DLG Feldtage to provide important impetus for this - and we will be bringing concrete solutions for crop production with us.
Marcus Iken, Managing Director Saaten-Union GmbH
Farmers think in terms of generations - and therefore act sustainably. Nevertheless, the population is demanding more from agriculture. They expect us to play a pioneering role in the transformation of our society and economy. We must face up to this challenge together. We expect the DLG Feldtage to provide important impetus for this - and we are bringing concrete solutions for plant cultivation with us.
Everyone is talking about sustainability right now. The principle, which was born over 300 years ago in forestry, is actually more modern than ever. Nevertheless, the term is often rejected because it is used in an inflationary way and has become an empty phrase in some places. We want to do something about this. The Saaten-Union makes its offers and its attitude towards greater sustainability very concrete - and in doing so, we are guided by the three colours of our company:
The blue colour in the Saaten-Union logo stands for the ecological aspect of our work. Through intensive research, we breed climate-stable varieties and conserve resources and operating materials. Overall, we ensure a higher yield per hectare and improve the quality of food and animal feed.
The white colour in the Saaten-Union logo stands for our openness. And that doesn't just mean our corporate culture, but also our strategic openness. Be it in relation to new research and breeding methods for the long-term reliable nutrition of the population, organic farming or the creation of alternative sources of protein.
The green colour in the Saaten-Union logo stands for our diversity. We firmly believe that diversity is at the heart of sustainable action - in society and in the field. That is why we support farmers in realising diverse crop rotations with our product portfolio.
In short: At Saaten-Union, we stand for substance instead of showmanship. And we bring the appropriate seed for the aspects described above to the DLG Feldtage. We cordially invite you to visit our stand to find out more and talk to our experts. Let's make the future more sustainable together.
Our entire industry is facing a very special challenge: the increasing extremes of weather demand technically flexible and customised solutions on the farm. To achieve these goals, technology, breeding, fertilisation and crop protection must be closely interlinked. The DLG Field Days are the platform where all those involved can demonstrate their methods, including their interaction in practice. We want to use the upcoming field days to present our technology in the field and to seek intensive dialogue with customers.
Thinking "out of the box" is always good, because it involves creativity and the search for new solutions. This is exactly what is required to meet the challenges in plant cultivation.
Innovation is fundamentally needed to ensure progress. It is a constant race. Innovations can be small or large. It is therefore important to have the courage to drive forward an innovative approach. Industry and farmers alike need this courage. To do this, old paths have to be left behind and new paths taken.
As plant breeders, we are always endeavouring to pursue innovative approaches. This must be the case, because the authorisation of a new variety always requires an improvement. However, we do not want to limit ourselves to pure variety progress. One example of this is our Beisaat mixture in rapeseed called assist+. Beisaat has many advantages, for example in terms of insect protection and nutrient utilisation efficiency. It is therefore worthwhile for farmers to try out such solutions.
The DLG Field Days 2024 are a good opportunity to meet our customers - whether retailers, farmers or propagators - and exchange ideas. The focus is on plant cultivation, and that is important to us. We can present ourselves and our varieties and solutions and we are looking forward to it.
A visit is worthwhile because you can meet in person and get an impression. Visitors can get a good overall impression of the current range of products in plant cultivation in a short space of time. Nobody should miss this opportunity.