Internationales Pflanzenbauzentrum
Am Gutshof 3
06406 Bernburg-Strenzfeld
- Saxony-Anhalt on the southern edge of the Magdeburger Börde
- between Halle and Magdeburg directly on the A 14 highway
- Strenzfeld campus of the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences and the Saxony-Anhalt State Institute for Agriculture and Horticulture (LLG).
- Altitude 80 m above sea level
- Average annual precipitation 511 mm
- average annual temperature 9.7 °C
- Soil type is loess-black earth
- 65-94 soil points
- Soil type silty loam (uL) T: 22 %, U: 70 %, S: 8 %
- pH 7.4
- usable field capacity (nFK) of 250 mm
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